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Partnered Publishing

You have endured all the stress all alone while you write the manuscript. Right? Usually, a writer’s character starts to appear jittery , their hands shake and their foots tap each other at times brainstorming twists and breaks into his work.

Partnered Publishing

Heck!!! Stop being all alone from now on…. Clever Fox Publishing presents all new Partnered Publishing scheme  here. If you have an enthralling manuscript, then cheers to you. We henceforth hold your hands from publishing your work to the shelves of the stores with the Partnered publishing scheme. We both collaborate, promote, market the book and celebrate the success together. There you feel the sweetness of the stress and efforts you have made all the walk, from the concept to the reality. The exact moment of gratification. Dude…. You are an author now!!!

Being a partner means being ready to share the joy and the pain as well. In publishing a book, partnering means the author shares the initial cost of getting the book out and also shares the profit equivalently. Partnered publishing offers, unlike self publishing, an exciting, new approach: a dynamic model that welcomes new authors, yet brings quality and expertise and is responsive in a rapidly changing marketplace. By self publishing, you have all the rights on editing, designing, promoting and marketing your book. Gosh! It sounds great! But, ouch, what about the last two? Could you promote your book yourself all alone? All the responsibility to market your book will rest on your hands itself. Could you bear it? Do you know, some avid readers tend to not take self published authors as seriously in account as they would a traditionally published authors. That means the quality of your book is up there with an established publishing house. Here lies the relevance of Clever Fox publishing. Leave all the risks aside and join your hands with us.  Through Partnered publishing, we collaborate with the author to not only provide a good editorial support but to market and promote the book which are very essential in the current competitive scenario.

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