Common Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid


In the arena of publishing where traditional publishers used to occupy most of the space, self-publishing has become a boon to first-time authors. Self-publishing allows you to showcase your talent without worrying about the slim chances of getting your book published the traditional way. In self-publishing, you’re your own boss. You get to retain full creative control of your book. But with freedom comes responsibility. The quality of the final product will depend on your discretion and knowledge. Here are some of the common mistakes authors commit while self-publishing a book.

  1. Vague Idea about Target Audience The basic rule of the market is that a product sells only if it has demand. The same applies to your book too. If you want your book to be a bestseller, first identify the potential of your content in the market. Have a clear idea about who your targeted audience is and research thoroughly what currently trends among them. You can use social media platforms to identify such trends and it also allows you to interact with the readers of the particular genre you write in.
  2. Poor Editing Your manuscript may be a good one, but professional editing is what makes it the best one. To save money, authors often attempt to self-edit or get the editing done by a relative or friend who is an English graduate. Editing is much more than having a good command of the language. Although editing the book yourself is important once the manuscript is completed, having a professional pair of eyes to look at your work is inevitable. You write the entire book believing what you are writing is right, thus missing some obvious errors and flaws. It could be a simple discrepancy of fact or digressive events or conversations that may run for several pages. Clever Fox Publishing, one of the leading self-publishing platforms in India, offers different kinds of editing services. A book cannot be edited in a single go and requires several rounds. Clever Fox gives authors room for having their manuscripts edited for several rounds according to the package they have chosen.
  3.  An Unattractive Book Cover Readers do judge a book by its cover. If you are a first-time author, a book cover is what tells your reader what to expect from the book. For self-publishing authors, the temptation is really strong to design the book cover by themselves, thinking they can conjure up something simple yet attractive. Unless you are well-versed in graphic designing, it is better to leave the job to professional designers. Clever Fox provides different packages which includes the service of designing your cover. It is better to spend money where it is worth it than to save that money but at the price of ruining your hard work and effort.
  4. A Boring Book Description A book description is your second chance to impress your readers and lead them to read your book. A bland, boastful and long description is definitely not going to help you get readers. Pore over book descriptions of bestsellers in your genre at a library or your favorite book-reading platform. You will soon pick up the elements of creating an interesting and crisp description. If you have wonderful reviews of your book from note-worthy persons, add them to your cover. Experts at Clever Fox will assist you in writing compelling book covers by incorporating your ideas in sublime language.
  5. A Shoddy Marketing Plan The number of books released in the market through traditional publishing and self-publishing is huge. So, you cannot think that your book will sell itself because of its quality alone. Marketing is important to place your book distinct from others. You need to have a marketing plan even before your book gets published. Social media platforms and paid promotion work wonders when it is executed properly. Clever Fox offers a multitude of packages with different kinds of promotional toolkits so that promotion doesn’t become a nightmare for you. They take care of distribution through platforms like Amazon, Shopsy, Flipkart, Clever Store, Kindle, FB, Kobo, Google Play Store, Google Books, Over Drive, Ingram Distribution, Physical Distribution in major metro cities, Books Mantra etc. The marketing strategies offered include press release, physical marketing support, SEO optimization, author website & Clever Author Page, book launch, posters, video trailers/short film, author interview, Facebook & Goodreads Page Setup, audio book etc.
  6. Quitting You may have heard of a few celebrated authors who hit the jackpot on their very first try. But you need to realize that they are celebrated because they are few. If your first book didn’t reach the mark you expected, you need to try again with your next book. Experience is the best teacher you can have. Learn from your mistakes and remember, persistence is key
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