From Idea To Manuscript: Nurture Your Writing Process


From Idea To Manuscript: Nurture Your Writing Process

“The scariest moment is always just before you start,” as articulated by Stephen King, captures the essence of the apprehension preceding any undertaking. This holds good for the writing process too. Writing a book calls for dedication, meticulous planning and creativity. It is a daunting task at first but all you need is a spark of inspiration and then, there are a few simple steps to follow to map out and nurture your writing journey.

Before you start writing keep these points in mind:

  • Always keep your mind open. You never know where you might get inspiration from.
  • Set realistic goals.
  • Embrace imperfections. Don’t be disheartened if your writing is not as good as you expected in the beginning. There is always room for improvement and learning!
  • Cultivate self-discipline to push through distractions, procrastination and self-doubt.
  • Remember that you can definitely overcome writer’s block.
Here are five essentials to bring your ideas to life.
  1. Inspiration
  • Contrary to common belief, it is very difficult or even impossible to create unique work. All ideas or thoughts have already been manifested and the “unique” factor in your work is a mix-match of various things to produce a fairly new idea. So, the first step to start writing a book is to look for inspiration.


  • Inspiration can come from places that you least expect. So, keep your mind open throughout your writing process. If you have a fresh idea in the middle of your draft, try to incorporate it without making too much change to your foundation. Observations, exploration and even experience can ignite your passion for writing.


  1. Planning
  • It is hard to deny that planning creates an effective path to success. Have a clear mind and organise your thoughts. Brainstorm ideas and put them down however you want—mind maps, flowcharts, free writing, etc.


  • Once you have the ideas you want to be incorporated into your book, outline your story. Jot down points about the flow and structure of your story. This type of planning acts as a map for when you start drafting your book.


  1. Develop settings and characters
  • Each book is set in a particular time period, place, society, etc. These are the aspects that the author should pay close attention to because it is what make the imaginary world as close to reality. Research the geography, culture, traditions, societal rules, laws and history of the time period you are working with. These elements add depth and authenticity to your writing and allow the readers to immerse themselves in the story.


  • The characterisation is a vital element in the writing process. Compelling characters are what capture the readers’ attention and make them want to finish reading the book. Each aspect of every character must be carefully detailed and planned ahead of time. This includes their physical features, behaviour patterns, relationships, psyche, career, etc. Take the time to conduct enough research about human experiences and emotions. It will help you create realistic characters that your audience becomes emotionally connected to.


  1. Drafting and revising
  • This is the time to transform your ideas into written words, allowing your creativity to flourish while utilizing the outline you crafted as a guiding compass. Do not stifle your creativity. Writing is an art that grants freedom for your imagination, yet it is essential to maintain a touchstone—a reference point to ensure coherence and purpose in your work.


  • There might be times when you want to deviate from your plan if you get fresh inspiration or ideas. This is absolutely okay! Take the time to explore your narrative. But, once again, keep in mind your outline and what the end goal is. Ask yourself a few questions about how the new idea will affect your outline. If it is a small change that doesn’t hinder the arc, then go ahead and incorporate it. But if it is going to drastically change your plot, then weigh your options and make a well-thought decision. In the end, it is your creation!


  • Next comes a very crucial step in creating a story—revisions. Read your draft. There is a high likelihood that you’ll find sections that lack detailing or sections that don’t fit into the plot very well. There might be places where you feel particular characters are not given enough importance. There might be paragraphs that lack clarity or don’t flow coherently into the next one. Go ahead and make all these types of corrections to your manuscript. Check the overall structure, pacing and also character development.


  1. Editing
  • Editing is the final step in making your manuscript a refined one. This is where any errors—grammar, punctuation, choice of words, consistency, sentence structure—can be eliminated. Polish your draft and make it worthy of being published.


  • There are two ways to get the editing process done. One is self-editing and the other is getting someone else to edit your manuscript. This can be a friend or relative who has a good command over the language and can give good critiques. Or, you could hire professional editors.


  • If chose to self-edit, then take a break from working on your manuscript. Give it a few days or even weeks. This is to enable you to look at the draft with a fresh set of eyes. Continuously working on the manuscript would cause you to overlook a few errors. Hence, take a break and dive into the editing process. You can even use the software for grammar and punctuation check to erase any typos.


  • On the other hand, if you chose to get someone else to edit your work, it will be efficient. They can offer you a fresh perspective and point out errors you may have overlooked. Be open to feedback and critique. It will help you to refine your manuscript and take it to a high standard in terms of quality.


These are the five steps to take your idea and transform it into a flawless manuscript. You are sure to face hurdles in your writing journey but never lose hope. Stride forward with the determination to see your idea come to life in print. The writing journey is not a hassle-free one but with enough motivation, creativity and planning, you can nurture the seed of your idea and watch it grow into a flourishing tree of literary accomplishment.

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