/  Articles posted by Santosh Kumar Pokharel


Santosh Kumar Pokharel

I am a multilingual poet and the world poetry has been my platform. It’s a great feeling when something special touches my heart and I start jotting down words and weave them into lines and between lines of poems I try to locate my indivduum. This is how we poets live our lives. And now the scenario is a bit different when I am consciously attracted to the short stories of my friend and world-renowned writer Ahadov. I have translated his stories from Russian to English for you to enjoy bliss of contemporary Russian stories. I hope here Ahadov will be successful in justifying my assertion. Eldar Ahadov is an Azerbaijani renowned writer from Russia. He is equally skilled in prose and poetry where he not only chimes songs of Beauty and Nature but imparts his readers with some sweet lessons concealed in his writings. By profession a mining engineer surveyor and explorer of Siberian north there are already 63 books to his credit. This one is going to him as the 64th one in my English translation. About the work of Akhadov there are excellent reviews of such famous writers, poets and critics as Richard Berengaten (UK, Cambridge), Paolo Ruffilli (Italy), Eduardo Espina (USA and Uruguay), Mordechai Geldman (Israel), Alexander Karpenko (Russia) and so on. I have found him a man of pen in the real sense of the word. With profound pleasure I present this book Eldar Ahadov’s Stories to the readers. Every story in the book has some beautiful lesson for the readers. By saying this I appreciate this book for all age groups ranging from kids to adults.

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