/  Articles posted by Hafiz Mohd Arif Nadvi

Hafiz Mohd Arif Nadvi

Dr. Hafiz Mohd Arif is Head, Department of Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Integral University. He was born and brought up in Sitapur, UP India. Dr. Arif was primarily educated at Darul Uloom Nedwatul Ulema, Lucknow. He studied English Literature from University of Lucknow and was awarded the Doctoral Degree in English by Integral University, Lucknow in 2015. The subject of his research was “Orientalism in American Literature between the Revolution and the Civil War.” He was appointed as Lecturer in English at Islamic Institution, Darul – Uloom Nedwatul Ulema, Lucknow where he taught English and Arabic to foreign students. His area of specialization is in Islamic and Oriental Studies, American Literature and Communication theories.

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